
Santyoume no yuuhi

Yesterday, I watched "Santyoume no yuuhi" on TV. It is Japanese movie. The story is about the town before about 50years ago. It is very nice movie, and I was very moved to watch it. We can see the view of the old day of Japan.
In the movie, there was an interesting scene. In the scene, young child tumbled, and his cloth teared. At then, his mather mended it. I think today we are apt to throw away the cloth when the cloth teared. Certainly, some people mend it, but most doesn't do it. I think it is good for environment to mend the cloth and use again.
In the recent, Japan became a developed country. We are blessed with many foods and products, everything. So I think we forget the importance of all things. We should remind it again. And we also should do recycle or reuse more. These things are very important for us. That is my opinion.


Fair trade

I learned about fair trade today. I already know it, but I didn't know the detail of it. Fair trade is one of the action which decreases unfair trade and prevents the gap between northern countries and southern countries to expand. I feels fair trade is very important for us. I think the gap between northern and southern countries produces bad emotion to northern countries people in minds of southern countries people. The bad emotion may cause conflicts and prejudice. So decreasing the gap is most important task. And I think fair trade is very nice solution of the task. What we must do first is to find fair trade shops and buy fair trade products.



Today is very special day because the great earthquack happened in Hyogo before 17 years ago. When the earthquack happened, I was a years old. So I don't remember that. But my grandparents lived in hyogo in that year. Fortunarely, my grandparents could escape safely. When I was elementally school student, they told us the story about the earthquack. It was very shockking for me, but I learned real earthquack. I think the protection against disasters is very important now.


Chinese fishmen enter the sea of Japan

Today, I watched Chinese fishmen entered the sea of Japan, and fished on TV. It was illegal fishing. And many Korean and Japanese were hurted by Chinese fishmen. I know all Chinese are not bad, but I can't understand their thought. The reason why Chinese fishmen entered the sea of Japan is pollution of the sea of China. Many industries of China polluted the sea, and fish disappeared from the sea. So Chinese fishman entered the sea of Japan. But I think Japan doesn't do any strict policy in spite of this situation. If the Japanese govement allow the entering more, we will can not stop the entering soon, and more fishmen will enter the sea of Japan. The sea of Japan is valuable resource for us. So I think we should insist our right of sea, and demand Chaina a appropriate measure.